Gmap Leads Generator

Gmap Leads Generator uses advanced scraping technology to extract business information from Google Maps. Users can easily export data, including emails, phone numbers, and social media profiles, into CSV or XLSX files.

G Map Lead Generation

Google Maps Email Extraction

Sales Prospecting

Local Sales Leads Mining

Data Harvesting with Gmap Leads Generator: Extract Business Leads with Ease
A tool for business leads, easy generate leads from Google Maps result pages and export lead list to csv or xlsx file.
Extract the number of leads
Extract the number of Email
Extract the number of Phone

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Experience the Power of Efficiency: Hear from Our Happy Users

Google Maps Leads Finder
Avery Clark
I've tried several different marketing SaaS tools in the past, but none have compared to the ease of use and impact this one has had on our bottom line. Highly recommend it to any business looking to up their marketing game.
Google Maps Leads Finder
Noah Schmidt
I highly recommend this tool to anyone looking for a cost-effective and efficient way to generate leads.
Google Maps Leads Finder
Evelyn Pérez
I love how it saves me time and effort by providing all the necessary information I need in one place.

What information can be extracted through our Google Map Leads Generator?

The following list outlines all the supported data fields.


The name of the location on Google Maps, typically the standardized business name.


The phone number of the location in its regional format.


The email collected from the web.

Social Medias

The URLs of social media profiles discovered on the web (such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Yelp, Twitter, etc.).


The official website for the location, such as a business' main page.


The address of a place's website.

Full Address

The readable physical address of the location.


The street address of the location.


The city or municipality where the location is situated.


The categories for the Google My Business listing.

Plus code

Plus codes can serve as an alternative to street addresses in areas where they are not available (such as in regions where buildings are unnumbered or streets are unnamed).

Review Count

The cumulative number of reviews.


Individuals can provide reviews for locations.


Individuals share photo updates regarding a location.

Average Rating

The rating of the location, ranging from 1.0 to 5.0, based on the aggregation of user reviews.

Review URL

The review URL of the location. A link for patrons to provide feedback.

Google Maps URL

The URL of the official Google page for the location.

Google Knowledge URL

Google Knowledge panels are informative boxes that appear in Google searches for entities (such as people, places, organizations, or objects) that are part of the Knowledge Graph.


Latitude expressed in decimal degrees.


Longitude expressed in decimal degrees.

Opening hours

The operating hours for a location.

Featured image

An image of a location/business.


A unique identifier assigned by Google to a specific business entity.

Place Id

A Place ID is a text-based identifier that uniquely identifies a location.


Kgmid is the identifier used by the Google Knowledge Graph API.

What benefits can I gain from using Gmap Leads Generator?

The Gmap Leads Generator can assist with various tasks, including:

B2B Lead Generation - By extracting data from Google Maps search results, you can identify potential business leads for your products or services.

Sales Prospecting - You can use the extracted data to reach out to potential clients and offer your products or services.

Marketing - The extracted data can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns, reaching potential customers in a specific geographic location.

Local Sales Leads Mining - The Gmap Leads Generator allows you to collect information on local businesses, which can be useful in identifying new sales leads in your area.

What distinguishes a Free account from a Paid account in terms of features and capabilities?

A Free account allows for the export of up to 10 leads based on keyword search results, while a Paid account allows for the export of all leads based on keyword search results.

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How to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel the premium subscription at any time by sending us your ID number by email( and we will unsubscribe for you immediately . (ID number is on the extension settings page)